Crea banner animati per un effetto originale e creativo: puoi personalizzare i banner con infinite possibilità scegliendo icone e colori diversi e settando una delle 8 animazioni disponibili.
[banner width=”0″ height=”92″ url=”#” target=”no” title=”CUSTOMER SUPPORT” subtitle=”+39 099 3872″ title_size=”23″ title_size_hover=”21″ subtitle_size=”21″ subtitle_size_hover=”30″ icon_size=”50″ icon_size_hover=”52″ background=”#ffffff” background_image=”” border=”#e0e0e0″ color_icon=”#1f1f1f” color_title=”#000000″ color_subtitle=”#d3a310″ background_hover=”#f0f0f0″ border_hover=”#e0e0e0″ color_icon_hover=”#d3a310″ color_title_hover=”#000000″ color_subtitle_hover=”#d3a310″ type=”switch-text” icon=”phone” style=”no” ]
[banner width=”0″ height=”92″ url=”#” target=”no” title=”HAPPY CUSTOMER” subtitle=”Read the Testimonials” title_size=”23″ title_size_hover=”21″ subtitle_size=”16″ subtitle_size_hover=”26″ icon_size=”50″ icon_size_hover=”52″ background=”#ffffff” background_image=”” border=”#e0e0e0″ color_icon=”#1f1f1f” color_title=”#000000″ color_subtitle=”#d3a310″ background_hover=”#f0f0f0″ border_hover=”#e0e0e0″ color_icon_hover=”#d3a310″ color_title_hover=”#000000″ color_subtitle_hover=”#d3a310″ type=”switch-text” icon=”comments-o” style=”no” ]
- type: the type of the animation
- width: width of the banner
- height: height of the banner
- url: the url of the link
- target: the target of the link
- title: banner’ s title
- title size: the font size of the title
- title size hover: the font size of the title when mouse is hover
- subtitle: banner’ s subtitle
- subtitle size: the font size of the subtitle
- subtitle size hover: the font size of the subtitle when mouse is hover
- icon: awesome icon inside banner
- icon size: the font size of the awesome icon
- icon size hover: the font size of the awesome icon when mouse is hover
- background color: the background color of the banner
- background color hover: the background color of the banner when mouse is hover
- background image: the background image of the banner
- border color: the border color of the banner
- border color hover: the border color of the banner when mouse is hover
- color title: the color of the title
- color title hover: the color of the title when mouse is hover
- color subtitle: the color of the subtitle
- color subtitle hover: the color of the subtitle when mouse is hover
- color icon: the color of the icon
- color icon hover: the color of the icon when mouse is hover